...the leadership team and the central planning team of Cal VSA’s Annual Culture Show. This team consists of various positions essential to the development of the show and is typically composed of individuals who have participated in Culture Show before and now wish to step into a leadership position for the show. However, anyone who wants to make a contribution to Culture Show is certainly welcome to apply! Without a dedicated team working at Culture Show’s core level, the production would not be possible.
Getting Involved with Culture Show
This year, we are striving for an in-person theatrical production in April 2022, and we need your help on CORE Team! There are many roles for your chance to get involved, such as Design, Public Relations, Story, Technical, and Performance!
CORE Application:
Deadline: November 7th, 2021 at 11:59 PM PST
Please contact for any questions!
- Your Producers, Coby and Minh Anh
Since we were unable to showcase all of the efforts that our team has put into this production on the stage of Zellerbach this year, we wanted to create a digital archive as a way to highlight our team and all of the work they have contributed. The archive will also serve as a "yearbook" where we will display memories (images, videos, quotes) from our team!
Cal VSA Culture Show has always, and will always, give us a space to be artists, activists, and leaders in our communit(ies). This year’s story serves to highlight vulnerable groups who are affected by displacement in forms of ethnic identity, class status, and citizenship. These issues are exacerbated by new challenges that appear in today’s world and will continue to persist in our communities.
Every year, since the establishment of Cal VSA in 1979, the Culture Show has brought together many talented individuals, Vietnamese and non-Vietnamese alike, to produce an integrated theatrical production of music, art, dance, drama, and prose. This integration of creative disciplines is what Cal VSA’s annual Culture Show is best known for and what sets our show apart from the typical “variety show”.