Welcome to the family.
At VSA, we seek to enhance and promote the welfare of the Vietnamese community by creating a better understanding of what Vietnamese culture is.
While VSA may be a cultural organization, we emphasize importance in other aspects of life. We aim to encourage and assist members of Cal VSA and the Vietnamese community in furthering their intellectual development.
Vietnamese culture encompasses so many different ideas and beliefs. That's why we hold such strong belief in preserving and cultivating Vietnamese heritage and traditions.
What We're All About
The Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) at the University of California, Berkeley was established in 1979. VSA recognizes the importance of understanding emerging narratives about the Vietnamese American experience. This student-run organization also aims to create an inclusive environment in which its members can find a strong sense of community and support. Ultimately, Cal VSA strives to empower its members to become leaders of their communities and preserves the history and heritage of the Vietnamese culture for future generations.
Meet The Cabinet

Kathy Ho

Internal Vice President
Linh Do

External Vice President
Jimmy Nguyen

Kelly An

Co-Finance Chair
June Nguyen

Co-Finance Chair
Samantha Do

Inter-Collegiate Council
Andrew Nguyen

Inter-Collegiate Council
Justin Gonzales

Co-Retention Chair
Cindy Nguyen

Co-Retention Chair
Gia Ngoc Nguyen

Co-Outreach Chair
Chloe Nguyen

Co-Outreach Chair
Scarlett Du

Historian Chair
Vincent Do

Academics Chair
Mylinh Vu

Publicity Chair
Trang Nguyen

Publicity Chair
Thien-Kim Dang

Co-Culture Chair
Minh Anh Van